Available courses

‘The Human Cycle’ is one of Sri Aurobindo's major works on social and political thought. In this book, history and social development are seen through the prism of a natural evolution of both consciousness and forms. Although this text was written a century ago and references historical developments of that era, the wisdom and message of the book are universal and can help us interpret contemporary events meaningfully. Tracing this evolution of the psychology of human societies, Sri Aurobindo offers an integral perspective for understanding the development of the past, leading up to the apparent confusion of the present, and pointing us to the spiritual possibilities and certainties of the future.

Duration: 52 weeks

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The course explores Sri Aurobindo's social and political thought through his work 'The Ideal of Human Unity'. In IHU Sri Aurobindo discusses the inevitability of the unification of the human race as a result of imperative evolutionary forces. He describes the principles which may be followed in the process of this unification, stresses on the need of individual and group freedom within such a unity, and argues that only a unity founded on a deeper spiritual principle can ensure that world union supports diversity and is conducive to the spiritual evolution of the race.

Duration: 52 weeks

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Change in organizations is always difficult, especially in those organizations where bureaucracy and hierarchy are prevalent. Through an understanding of the principles that drive naturally resilient and adaptive systems it becomes possible to tilt the balance through small changes and to even cause bottom-up revolutions to happen. This course will introduce an important field – complex systems – through a series of Forbes articles, that each disclose some principle central to the creation of resilient bottom-up systems.

Duration: 12 weeks

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The aim is to create a new inner psychological foundation to better deal with problems/ issues of individual and societal progress. The course introduces ways to deepen, widen and intensify the consciousness through imagination, will, faith, trust and prayer.

Duration: 30 weeks

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This course introduces you to using the power of imagination to visualize the life, job and relationships you want. It equips you with tools to create the life you desire.

Duration: 6 weeks

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Have you wondered how to use your will and determination to make things happen? How much should you struggle to bring about change and how much should you leave things to the Divine Will? This course helps you gain insights and tools to build up and activate your power of will.

Duration: 3 weeks

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Reflection upon the nature of the crisis in and around us through a study of Arjuna’s character and the cause of his sudden awakening. The course helps understand the cause of Arjuna’s weakness and the battle between morality and spirituality.

Duration: 2 weeks

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This course presents an interpretation of the Vedas to show its relevance to modern life. It looks at myths of creation, of immortality, as well as several hymns, and decodes their significance for growth of consciousness.

Duration: 20 weeks

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An introduction to the growth of Sanskrit language and linguistics from the Vedic, to post-Vedic up till modern times, with a view to understand the underlying philosophies of language, the grammatical structure, poetics and etymology of Sanskrit. 

Duration: 20 weeks

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What is the need for studying the Bhagawad Gita? A brief overview of the core concepts of the Gita and its harmonizing power. Why is it termed an immortal scripture? How to study the Gita as a tool for spiritual progress?

Duration: 2 weeks

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What was the vision of the Vedantic seers? How does Isha Upanishad approach reality? The four movements of thought that reconcile and harmonise fundamental opposites (Knowledge & Ignorance, Birth & Immortality, Becoming and Non-Becoming, etc.).

Duration: 4 weeks

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Immortality is a powerful theme taken up by the Vedas and is also discussed by Sri Aurobindo. What can we learn from the myths of Trishanku, Nachiketas, Markandeya as well as Sri Aurobindo’s interpretation of the ancient tale of Savitri & Satyavan?

Duration: 2 weeks

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Are Vedas only ancient texts with beautiful but little understood hymns or do they have any relevance for our present life? What is the Secret Knowledge that Vedas embody? What is the key to understanding the texts and engaging with deep inner psychological and spiritual truths they bring to us?

Duration: 2 weeks

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The Upanishads express the highest spiritual knowledge and experience couched in beautiful poetry. This course introduces the Upanishads as interpreted by Sri Aurobindo.

Duration: 2 weeks

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The course takes up the key concepts from the Bhagawad Gita and connects these to our individual and collective life. It highlights truths valid and relevant for all ages. 

Duration: 20 weeks

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Major concepts from Isha, Kena, Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads are presented from the perspective Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, along with commentaries of Shankara, Sayana and other scholars. 

Duration: 20 weeks

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Watch - Introduction to the course by the facilitator

A study of the several myths of creation found in the Vedas… Hiranya Garbha, Purusha Suktam, Myth of Heaven and Earth, the Purusha Sacrifice, etc.

Duration: 4 weeks

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While education has become more child-centred and integrated, it still does not deal with all aspects of the human being. Learn how Integral Education provides for a complete education. 

Note: This is Course 1 of 6 in the Integral Education Series

Level: Introductory

Duration: 3 weeks

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Physical is our foundation, yet perhaps most neglected. How can we awaken the physical consciousness and inculcate Energy, Beauty, Balance in the body?

Note: This is Course 2 of 6 in the Integral Education Series

Level: Introductory

Duration: 4 weeks

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How can we develop the skills to deal with emotions in a harmonious and powerful way? How can we channelize the immense potential and energy of our vital self?

Note: This is Course 3 of 6 in the Integral Education Series

Level: Introductory

Duration: 4 weeks

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Mind can be a helper; it can be a hindrance. What are its innate capacities and how can we develop these in the most constructive way?

Note: This is Course 4 of 6 in the Integral Education Series

Level: Introductory

Duration: 4 weeks

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What is the inner being and how can we recognise its action in us? How can we evoke it in us and allow it to impact our daily life and action? 

Note: This is Course 5 of 6 in the Integral Education Series

Level: Advanced

Duration: 4 weeks

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This course focuses on attitudes and practices key to Integral Facilitation.

Note: This is Course 6 of 6 in the Integral Education Series

Level: Advanced

Duration: 6 weeks

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Integral education is a system that engages & develops one's entire being… 

  • the body’s innate capacity for health and strength, 
  • the emotional being’s ability to create positivity in oneself and in relationships
  • the mind’s speculative and creative faculties 
  • an inner connect with self towards a conscious way of living

This course introduces the key aspects of Integral Education. 

Duration: 25 weeks

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Integral Education Online Study & Discussion Group - Meets online once a month. All - with an interest in Self-development & Education - are welcome.

Duration: 90 minutes once a month

An insight into the major errors of modern psychology. A look at Psychology as a subjective science, and consciousness as the fundamental reality underlying all human developmental processes. An introduction to a future psychology and its relation to other disciplines of study.

Duration: 2 weeks

Recommended Pre-requisite course: Our Many Selves

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This course is based on understanding the integral self as described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It presents a new ‘integral’ vision of Psychology and examines Individual and Social evolution from an inner-yogic perspective. 

Duration: 30 weeks

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This course is based on understanding the integral self as described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It presents a new ‘integral’ vision of Psychology and examines Individual and Social evolution from an inner-yogic perspective. 

Duration: 15 weeks 

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The challenges of individualization and the paradox of life – the dual roles of ego, reason and desire. The unification and harmonization of the individual being and the steps for transformation of consciousness.

Duration: 2 weeks

Recommended Pre-requisite course: Our Many Selves

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A study of the major cycles of social evolution and their psychological foundations; the ideal law of social development, as well as the relation between individual and collective progress.

Duration: 2 weeks

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The course facilitates self-reflection and practice. It develops self-awareness, setting out a path towards a more conscious individuality, a greater mastery over one’s choices and decisions. 

Duration: 7 weeks

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'The Life Divine' is Sri Aurobindo's principal philosophic work, in which he presents his theory of evolution, which culminates in the transformation of the human being, and the advent of a divine life upon earth. It also takes up a number of other dominant philosophical perspectives for discussion, notably the materialistic denial of the spirit, and the ascetic denial of life, ultimately moving towards a profound synthesis of matter and spirit. The book has about 1100 pages and is divided into 2 books with 28 chapters each. This course takes up the entire book through a collective reading and discussion over 3 years or more, with weekly one-hour long live sessions online.

Duration: 3 years or more

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This course explains the underlying principles of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s philosophy. It answers questions such as: How can society evolve towards a harmonious future where there is no duality, no division; a society based on Truth-Consciousness?

Duration: 7 weeks

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A brief overview of the lives and vision of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. Introduction to the vision and key concepts of their Integral Yoga philosophy.

Duration: 3 weeks

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Deconstructing one’s behavior through an understanding of the gradations of consciousness within oneself and the different parts of the being (mind, vital, physical, psychic).

Duration: 3 weeks

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The course provides space and tools to look at our most significant relationships, and empowering these by empowering ourselves. 

Duration: 12 weeks

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If we wanted a relationship with someone who is like us, we should have cloned ourselves. How can we learn to deal with differences? 

Duration: 2 weeks

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An introduction to The Common Vision of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Rudolf Steiner, and Hazrat Inayat Khan in terms of human nature and human unfoldment from birth to age twenty-one. An exploration of the ways in which this spiritual teaching encompasses the recent insights from adult development research. Insights into the core principles of evolutionary parenting. Opportunities to consider the value and meaning of these principles in one's own life and the potential for evolutionary parenting to impact the evolution of human consciousness on the planet.

Duration: 4 weeks

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The course teaches you how to attract a solution to the problems that make you anxious, instead of fretting for an answer.

Duration: 2 weeks

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The relationship might initially base itself on acceptance of the other as they are, but soon expectations enter the scene, and freedom goes out of the window. 

Duration: 2 weeks

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As one journeys on the path of empowering relationships, the most important relationship – with oneself – must not be sidelined.

Duration: 2 weeks

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