This course explains the underlying principles of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s philosophy. It answers questions such as: How can society evolve towards a harmonious future where there is no duality, no division; a society based on Truth-Consciousness?
Duration: 7 weeks
- Facilitator: Monica Gupta, Dr

A brief overview of the lives and vision of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. Introduction to the vision and key concepts of their Integral Yoga philosophy.
Duration: 3 weeks
- Facilitator: Monica Gupta, Dr

Deconstructing one’s behavior through an understanding of the gradations of consciousness within oneself and the different parts of the being (mind, vital, physical, psychic).
Duration: 3 weeks
- Facilitator: Monica Gupta, Dr

'The Life Divine' is Sri Aurobindo's principal philosophic work, in which he presents his theory of evolution, which culminates in the transformation of the human being, and the advent of a divine life upon earth. It also takes up a number of other dominant philosophical perspectives for discussion, notably the materialistic denial of the spirit, and the ascetic denial of life, ultimately moving towards a profound synthesis of matter and spirit. The book has about 1100 pages and is divided into 2 books with 28 chapters each. This course takes up the entire book through a collective reading and discussion over 3 years or more, with weekly one-hour long live sessions online.
Duration: 4-5 years or more
- Facilitator: Devdip Ganguli